
Bike Speedometer and Tracker

BikeSpeedTrack is a revolutionary app that combines the functionality of a speedometer and a tracker, designed specifically for cyclists.

With its sleek and intuitive interface, this app offers a hands-free experience that automatically detects movement and displays your current speed on a vibrant speedometer. As you ride, BikeSpeedTrack meticulously tracks your route, creating a visual representation of your journey on a map.

One of the standout features of BikeSpeedTrack is its ability to color-code your tracks based on the average speed achieved during each segment. This innovative approach allows you to easily identify your fastest and slowest sections, empowering you to analyze your performance and strive for improvement.

When you come to a stop, the speedometer seamlessly transitions to display your daily and track information, providing you with valuable insights into your cycling journey.

Additionally, with a simple tap on the map, you can access a comprehensive view of all your achievements, allowing you to relive your past rides and celebrate your progress. BikeSpeedTrack ensures that your data is securely stored, ensuring that your tracks persist until the next day, enabling you to track your progress over time and set new goals for yourself.


Privacy Policy

Ensuring your privacy is our priority. We do not collect or share any personal data, and your activities are not tracked. We do not access your device's camera or microphone and do not use third-party services that collect user data. Policy updates may happen, so please check periodically. Your privacy is critically important to us.
